L09194-A High-end policlinic for Rent in a prime location in Kfarhbeib

Jsk - تم النشر منذ سنتين - ٣٠ أيار، ٢٠٢٢
السعر ٥٠٠ $
المحافظة جبل لبنان
المدينة قفارحبيب

L09194-A High-end policlinic for Rent in a prime location in Kfarhbeib

الوصف :

L09194-A High-end policlinic for rent in Kfarhbeib. Two rooms are still available for rent with a shared kitchenette and bathroom and reception area. What distinguishes the clinic is the easy access to it and there is enough space to park. this clinic can be rented for two days per week or every day. this price covers electricity and maintenance