Fortnite account

Haidarnd - تم النشر منذ ١٢ شهور - ١ حزيران، ٢٠٢٣
السعر ٥٥ $
المحافظة الشمال
المدينة عبوديه

Fortnite account

الوصف :

Playable on: PC/PSN/Xbox (PSN/Xbox linkable)​
Name and email change available.
Has almost every passed Battle Pass since Chapter 1.
Very well developed Save the World account where you can farm a lot of V-Bucks.
Currently has 1000 V-Bucks.
221 Outfits
218 Back Blings
189 Harvesting Tools
181 Dances
169 Gliders
109 Contrails